Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Talking Pants

My yoga pants have been complaining. They say the only thing I do in them is clean. We vacuum together, do the dishes, scrub the bathtub and wash the windows. I remind them that occasionally (very occasionally) I take them for a ride on the elliptical. But, they are not impressed.  They feel that they are being undervalued, under  appreciated and that they have not been allowed to live up to their full potential.

They want to see the inside of a yoga studio. They want to do something called the Downward Dog. Or is it the Upward Dog?  I say "Why don't we just GET a dog, and I'll wear you while I walk it"~I think they growl at me......

So, I do a little research. Blacksburg is full of Yoga studios. It seems like everyone and their dog is taking yoga:) I feel like I would actually be pretty good at some of the positions! Like the Corpse Pose. I believe I do this extremely well every night...right after work. I lay on my bed fully dressed and assume the Corse Pose. Sometimes I stay in this position into the wee hours of the night. When I wake up in the morning I'm grateful it is just a yoga pose and not the real thing.

Some of these pose's just should not be done in public. Like the Happy Baby Pose. No way I'm doing that pose unless the class is called "Yoga By Candle Light" ...and I take it while on another state. No one I know is snapping THAT picture and tagging me in it:)

They say the goal of Yoga is improving health. I need that. I also read that it aides in physical, mental and spiritual discipline. I need all that too... But, what I really need to do right now is mop my kitchen floor..because it makes sounds when I walk on it. It's probably trying to tell me something.

Now, where are my Yoga pants?


  1. The Corpse Pose is my favorite! The feeling at the end of Yoga class and just lay there and just feel the total relaxation. I want to get a Yoga shirt that says Corpse Pose with the little lady in the pose. I really need to go more & wear my nice Yoga shirt I am going to get, or I could just wear it in my bed and assume the position.

  2. hm..A yoga SHIRT! That I do not have:) I'd probably get a LOT more cleaning done he.he.
    I really am interested in taking a class. I'm glad to hear you enjoy it!
