Thursday, October 2, 2014

Travel For Dummies

"I'm leav'n on a jet plane..don't know when I'll be back again..."

Well, actually I do, because I bought a round trip ticket...

After a three hour drive, I'm sitting at my gate. If I enjoyed flying all this might be pretty exciting. It's just the take off, the landing and all that in between.

So, I just asked The Lord for two things.

1) "Lord, would you please bump me up to first class? I dressed up, just in case. ( just doing my little part ,Lord)

2) "Lord, could you please keep the plane from landing too soon. (If you get my drift..)

It's a shorten list.

I'd also really love it if a Flash Mob would erupt during my flight.

Maybe the cast of the Lion King aboard?

I've always wanted to be a witness to one of those fantastic events! Maybe we'd all be in first class so I'd really feel apart of it. ;)

And how fun would it be to have a flamboyant flight attendant  demonstrating the proper way to buckle my seatbelt via Chorus Line style?

Maybe a Rockettes high kick pointing out the nearest exits?

My flight is delayed. They need to replace the fire alarm in the bathroom.

It's taking so long I believe they must have had to send someone to Wal Mart.

I guess I should want to know if my plane is on fire...

I hope I sit next to that young mom I see to my right.. Maybe I could walk up and down the isle with her little boy. ( Maybe he likes to pace too:)

And we could sing along to our Flash Mob and enjoy our real cloth napkins in first class:)

Anyway, I'll see if there is a way I could help her... It IS a 5 hour flight.

 Paying it forward for the wonderful people who offered to help with Aidan.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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