Tuesday, September 4, 2012

To Live By The Girl Scout Law

This morning I woke up remembering a funny thing: The Girl Scout Promise. I have no idea why this popped into my head. But, I'm pretty impressed I remembered it when I can't even remember a name when I really should. Like the name of my new nephew in-law. His name is Ed, but, I call him Gary...see how that works?

Anyway, hold up three fingers and say it with me:

On my honor I will try:
To serve God and my country
To help people at all times
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

Oh, how I loved being a Girl Scout, going to the meetings and earning a badge. I remember picking out where I wanted my mother to sew it on my sash..unless of course it was a sewing badge..then you better sew it on yourself I guess, or what was the point?

And of course selling the cookies! Back then, we went door to door. I can hardly believe my mother let me do that..but, there I was all dressed up in my official uniform ready for commerce. (Commerce as a service of course. )

I was pretty good at selling the cookies. I often had to order extra cases to sell. I remember my brother would ask me to go with him to collect for his paper route. (I never remember asking him to help me sell cookies ...hm.) I obediently stood next to him while he knocked on the doors and asked for payment and hoped for a tip. I think I held a tip jar...I don't really remember any of those tips coming my way..hm.
Oh well, I was busy serving my God and my Country and helping people at all times...like my brother.

I was as proud of my sash as every Miss America must be of hers. But, I was never the Miss America type. My sash would  have read something like "Miss Awkward Human Being".  I was just glad I looked good in green and tried hard to live by the Girl Scout Law, which I do not know by heart..but let's review:

I will do my best to be honest and fair,
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous and strong, and
responsible for what I say and do,
and to respect myself and others,
respect authority,
use resources wisely,
make the world a better place, and
be a sister to every Girl Scout. 

Sounds like a great way to live a life. I'm glad I woke up this morning remembering what it was like being a Girl Scout. I hope she lives big in me today. 
It makes me want a cookie:) 

1 comment:

  1. Kelli, I just recently ebayed my Girl Scout uniform. Someone in Richmond bought it for $52!? Crazy! And the sash with badges was bought to be part of a museum display in Seattle. Weird. But I'm glad that something of mine will be in Seattle, even if I never get back there! :)
